the problem.
the ask.
the research.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Visiting Scholars program brings talented media and journalism professionals from around the world into the walls of the School of Media and Journalism. Despite its many strengths, the Visiting International Scholars Program lacks recognition locally, nationally, and internationally.
To increase awareness of the program through the creation of a print advertisement for Chinese markets.
In Mandarin, the number 3 (三) sounds similar to 生, meaning "to live". Thus, this number is associated with life and prosperity. There is even a Chinese proverb that states that “the wisdom of three ordinary people exceeds that of the wisest individual”.
In China, red is a popular color in many parts of Chinese culture- symbolizing joy, luck, and happiness.

Community (社区) : From art museums to Carolina basketball, Chapel Hill has something for everyone. Their public school system is among the best in the country and the cost to live there is well below the national average.
Fellowship (友谊): Scholars form deep, lasting relationships with their fellow scholars. They attend Friday sessions where they can share and discuss the things they have learned with their peers. These sessions foster a long lasting sense of friendship among scholars.
Excellence (卓越): The School of Media and Journalism is known around the world for its high rankings. VIS participants take courses with top ranking faculty in state of the art facilities, experiencing the benefits of a research university.
停 = Stop
the big idea.
if you can read this.
Proficiency in English is one of only two requirements to get into the VIS program. The "if you can read this" tag is a screener for potential applicants as only those who know English will be able to read the entirety of the advertisement and will know how to apply.
the final product.

Competitor and cultural research, strategy, creative concepts
my role.
my team.
Emily Cunningham, Addie Harris, Sara Hernandez, Lucy Miller
the class.
International Advertising